Monday, April 29, 2013

the goods

We love Michael & Kristin. And we loved where they chose to get married. And we  really loved getting way for the whole weekend to celebrate them.

Both my and Jimmy's first moments with Michael - the times we met in college - were the most ridiculous meetings. Jimmy remembers meeting a kid in Aaron's office singing a song about elephants. I remember the guy with the southern drawl trying to tell me that his thin jacket was wind and water resistant and enough to brave the Ohio winter.

He's become one of most dear friends and we have loved getting to know his now wife, Kristin. She compliments him in every way and we knew when we met her that she was Michael's partner.

Their wedding was beautiful and fun and laid back which was so refreshing. They got married in the most adorable chapel on the sea (yes, like out of a novel). The reception was in the adorable town hall across the street.

I took video rather than photos most of the day (working on finishing that!) so these are a bit scattered. Some are from their photographer, a few from my phone (because it didn't occur to us to get a nice picture on a real camera), and some from the camera I was shooting with.

Here goes:

On the day that we setup, I got in Michael's car and there were all these blocks of cheese in the front shelf. Of course there were four blocks of cheese there. Only Michael.

In a chapel by the sea.

There's Jimmy in true form. True, true form.

They had the most beautiful backdrop for photos. The most.

As good as it gets for photos of us. Clearly we need to work on our options for faces.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

the beach

Being at this beach in Trinidad was possibly the most refreshing experience I've had in a very long time. 

It was chilly but not too cold. You could breathe deep and at that moment nothing else mattered. There were no bills or life plans or jobs to think about. Just the waves and watching the girls play on the rocks. 

(Jimmy was with the wedding party getting ready and I was behind the camera.)

Monday, April 22, 2013


Tonight while watching Mad Men, we had a moment. Well, Jimmy had a moment.

Years ago when Jimmy and I started to get to know each other, he decided to share with me one of his most proud purchases - a brass swan that he named Winston. Jimmy names everything.

He bought this swan at a garage sale with friends and decided it needed to travel to college with him to give his room some flavor.

When you're first getting to know someone, all things are cute. The knowledge of this swan didn't phase me. At all.

Anyways, tonight while watching Mad Men, Jimmy paused the scene and flew off the couch in excitement.

Don Draper chose to flavor up his space with said swan. Literally, it's the same swan. Jimmy said it made his week.

I wonder if I should've been more concerned when he first told me.

(No really, he's the most quirky man and I love him.)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

some video from trinidad

Two weekends ago we caravanned over to the California coast for our friend Michael's wedding.

The experience was better than words in every way and we have a ton of fun photos to share. I can't get to all of them tonight, so here's a little video I put together of video we shot randomly at the beach before we got ready for the wedding. 

(The song is "Like the River" by James Vincent McMorrow.)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

horses & birthdays

I'm a bit late getting to this, but I had an amazing birthday weekend in March.

Friday Jimmy told me he had plans for the afternoon - surprise plans. I finished work early, found the outfit he laid out for me and was totally confused. I thought we were going to see a movie. He insisted I wear my boots. I couldn't figure out why.

We drove about 15 minutes outside of Redding to a small town called Anderson. We stopped at a horse farm. I was elated. Elated.
I had never had a chance to ride horses before and have been begging to go for quite a while. So on this beautiful, 75 degree day in March, we spent the afternoon riding horses on a trail near the Sacramento River.

If I could ride horses every day I would. Every day. I think I said, "That was so amazing!" 50 times a day that weekend. It was the best gift.

And nothing makes you feel more attractive than wearing helmets.

The next day the girls spent the day in Chico, a great little college town about an hour from Redding. We shopped, we ate amazing food, we laughed over ridiculous stories about first kisses.

I love these women and my life is so enriched by their presence. We somehow all ended up here in Redding for this season and if the whole reason was just to build this community - this family - it's all worth it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

an afternoon thought

“Do not depend on the hope of results. You may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.” 

Monday, March 11, 2013

collecting art

We dream about some day having a home full of art and collected items from places that we've visited. We want to have a story behind the things that fill our home.

If I received art pieces and prints for every gift for the next few years, I'd be happy as a clam. Unfortunately, prints, paintings and framed pieces are usually pretty expensive.

Even though we don't have a big budget, we've been able to find some art in some unexpected places for super cheap (win!) and they're great reminders of our adventures.

(Sorry for the poor quality of the photos - I need to start using my actual camera instead of just the iPhone!)

Found this guy for $5 from a street vendor our first time in San Francisco.

This one is from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. There were some beautiful prints but they were upwards of $100. This watercolor print is actually a greeting card and cost only $2.95!

I picked up these vintage postcards in a shop in Ohio actually. Total cost: $1.80. They're from Eagle Rock, the city near LA where Jimmy lived for 6 months after we graduated.

This one was actually a gift from our friend Cat - also a postcard.

Hopefully one day we'll have walls full of this kind of stuff!

Friday, March 8, 2013

you make me a proud sister

One of the bummers of being far away is missing out on significant family moments.

My two youngest brothers really excel in athletics (whatever genes they got were totally lost on me) & both have had great basketball seasons.

Aaron is a junior in high school. His basketball team had the perfect season and were the first team in our county to ever go 22-0.

It was a pretty momentous thing for our (very) small town. Seasons like this bring the community together.

Aaron - we're super proud of you and your thousands of hours of hard work. We can't wait to see what next year will be like!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

birthdays and celebrations

February brought birthdays and Valentines Day and celebrations that we did a poor job of documenting.

Jimmy turned 24 and we celebrated at a dinner with friends, which we have no pictures of. The next day was Valentines Day. Jimmy brought me beautiful roses and coffee early in the morning, we hung up the heart garland my family sent on the branch above our bed, and went to a great restaurant here in town for an awesome meal.

We don't do fancy meals out very often so we enjoyed getting to dress up, feel fancy, use multiple forks  for multiple courses... fancy things. And these were the best pictures from that event.

But we may have ended the night eating ice cream in bed, so let's be honest - we're not that fancy. And we like it that way. 

The day after Valentines day, it was warm enough to be outside in shorts, and we spent the afternoon on bikes riding around the city. Last weekend was warm enough to be on the beach. California 'winter' is over, and by the end of the month we'll be back in warm temperatures consistently. We're liking this California winter.

Though February was decently quiet the next few months won't be, and I can't wait for the change of pace!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

we touched the jellies

This weekend was spent ALL OVER the Bay area with some amazing friends from Los Angeles. 

Through a friend, we were super blessed to be able to go the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Monterey was unbelievably beautiful. Starting the morning on Saturday driving along the ocean on the 1 was amazing. 

It makes us wonder why we're not in a different town every weekend. There are so many amazing cities within 4 hours of Redding & we're looking forward to exploring more of them in the coming months.

This next creature is actually a type of jellyfish too. It's the only place in the whole world that these are in captivity and on display because they're so fragile.

See these guys? Moon-something jellies. We got to touch one! It felt like mucus-covered jello. (Mmm, think on that for a bit.)

I could have spent the entire day just watching and listening to the beach. Monterey had the most amazing rocks and cliffs, and we even got a chance to see some wildlife. Those are not rocks on that beach.

We could explore new towns every day all day and be happy as ever. We stopped on our way back to Redding to have an authentic Mexican lunch at a place called Cancun.  That food bar in the picture is a salsa bar - 20 different salsas. It was so tasty and everything was organic and farm grown locally.

I wish I had one of the group pictures of all of us (and the ones of Jimmy and I didn't turn out well because of shadows). It was the most refreshing weekend and exploring, great food, many rounds of Settlers of Catan and really good time with friends.